Open Minds Open Possibilities

Open Minds Open Possibilities

I recently came across a card I wrote and sealed to myself at the beginning of our doctoral voyage. My little statement of fears, hopes, worries, and prayers from two years ago at Cannon Beach says: Comfort of the known, Fear of rejection/isolation, and Not having...
We’re Conduits for Love

We’re Conduits for Love

The more we love, the more we thrive. One of my favorite parts of our home is our large guest room. Family and friends are, literally, always welcome to enjoy its king-sized bed—while sharing our food and drink. Out of 3.5 years here, I estimate guests have...
A Solstice Blessing

A Solstice Blessing

On this Summer Solstice: May we remember, even when we can’t see the Light, it is always shining on and through us. May the sun remind you, you are always and forever loved. Just as the infinite twinkle of the stars symbolizes your limitless worth; while the...
Grieving the Life I Lost

Grieving the Life I Lost

13 years ago today, the amazing life I had ended. In the blink of an eye, a quite successful career flying for the air force (where I also got to teach the best of the best) vanished, as did the future plans and dreams of my then fiancée (now ex-wife) and I. While...
What We “See” is What We Become

What We “See” is What We Become

The beauty of this scenery captivated me the other day … For years, I’ve walked past this bit of lush green loveliness, on my way to the yoga studio, without noticing it. It’s tucked away a bit off the side of the highway, so isn’t in your face (so...