We have an amazing little dog named Biscuits.  The wiry haired terrier is cute, smart, and quite a yapper.  Sometimes when she loses her mind barking at a dog walking by our house, I yell to her: “BISCUITS, chill OUT!”  Believe it or not, this approach does NOT work. 🙂 It’s pretty much the same as when we shout at children for being too loud or spank our kids for fighting or roughhousing too much.  Often our words or means don’t cultivate the outcome we desire.  What I’m saying is anger, frustration, worry, fear, and the like have their place … BUT they WON’T create peace, joy, wellbeing, or love in us or others.  And aren’t those what we most desire?  On this topic, Zig Ziglar, author and owner of one of the coolest names ever, writes: “Life is an echo.  What you send out, comes back.  What you sow, you reap.  What you give, you get.  What you see in others, exists in you.”

Think of history and the ongoing nature of wars and violence.  We use wars, drone strikes, and death penalties to stop violence; World War I was even called “the war to end all wars.”  We need look no further than the news to realize fighting only leads to more fighting.  There is no path to create peace, peace is the way.  Think about it on an interpersonal level, aren’t the most loved people also the most loving?  Have you noticed that generosity breeds generosity?  How many times do we see courage in one person inspire courage in others, like “Braveheart”?

With all this in mind, today I invite us to practice sending out, giving, and seeing in others more of what we want to create in us.  Whether it’s kindness, bliss, peace, courage, encouragement, or love, if goodness was like snow, let’s create a blizzard of awesomeness!


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Grace and peace,
