Business is like a drug. In America, for instance, we wear being overworked and under-rested like a badge of honor. The more we DO, the better you and I are. Culturally we think our jobs define us. All we have to do is think about what we usually ask someone when we meet her or him … “What do you DO?”  Now, don’t get me wrong, jobs, working as a mom or dad, and the things we do ARE important and valuable, AND I don’t think they should define us.

Consider these thoughts from pastor Jonathan Storment. He says he’ll “often ask [his] friends, ‘What did your great-grandfather do for a living?  If you don’t know the answer to that, chances are neither will your great grandkids.'”  A here point is, for good reason most of us have NO CLUE what our distant relatives did for a living.  Why?  Because jobs and such don’t matter as much as our culture says they do.  I think we should all do what we do well … WITHOUT letting it define us.  Instead, I think we can put more emphasis on what makes more of a difference … BEING.  After all, we’re not human DOINGS, we’re human BEINGS.

What I mean by that is BE a friend, BE a mother/father/sister/brother/uncle/aunt/daughter/son, BE kind, BE caring, BE curious, BE courageous, BE forgiving, BE grace, BE peace, BE positive, and above all BE LOVE.  Thus, my invitation to us all today is simple, DO less and BE more.
Grace and peace,