Cheers to you!

Worn out from working 12 days in a row, feeling the weight of all the things to do and the financial stress of the holidays, and momentarily stuck in “I’m an army of one and have to do ALL the things” thinking, I had a bit of a meltdown the other night.  The healing, as it often does, came from simply sharing my burdens with Lisa and talking it out.  My wife listening to me well and letting me know she was WITH me, because we’re a team, was just the medicine I needed.

This reminds me of a Chinese proverb about heaven and hell.  The picture of hell we’re given is people seated at a banquet with the best food imaginable and one rule, they can only eat with chopsticks … which are five feet long!  Time and again they try to feed themselves and fail, so there they sit starving and tortured.  The picture of heaven is exactly the same, only everyone is healthy, joyous, and laughing … because they feed each other!

Lady Gaga said when she’s feeling unloved, depressed, down on herself, and low, she has a practice with fantastic results: Do something kind for someone else!  Getting out of our heads and into our hearts, like this, has the ability to plug us into a current of joy and wholeness bigger than our individual selves.  In Blissology, my global yoga family, we say, “Kindness is happiness”, and I’m convinced this is True on all levels.  So, today I invite us to practice leading with our hearts and sharing kindness like it’s oxygen!


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MUCH Love and Many Hugs,
