Hope is believing in a stranger future.

What do you want the coming days and years to hold for you? Your circle? Nation? The world? Hope is not only the powerful energy that guides us through dark times, it’s the dynamic force that creates better realities. I see on the horizon, clear as day, healing, understanding, and unity, as Love crumbles the walls between us, nourishes us from the inside out, and draws us together. Am I a dreamer? Absolutely! Yet, weren’t dreamers the ones who began the U.S. as a uniquely free nation , started public education, got women the right to vote, defeated the Nazis, won marriage equality, and were the genesis of most of the public goods we enjoy?

What one puts into the world in the form of words, deeds, prayers, beliefs, and disposition, not only makes a difference for others, in a very real way, these energies shape said individual’s reality. So, who wants to join me in imagining, dreaming of, and hoping for a future that’s stranger in the most spectacular, sweet, and stupendous ways?


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MUCH Love and Many Hugs,
