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Yoga, Light and Love by Lang
The Love Pause

The Love Pause

What brings out the best in you? For me, it’s pausing. When I pause, breathe, ponder, and wonder, love fills and shines through the space that slowing down fosters within us. Looking back on my missteps; the common thread between when I say or do something...

Accepting Awkwardness Creates Awesomeness

Accepting Awkwardness Creates Awesomeness

Avoidance is the best policy, right? 😂  While I spent much of my life “running” from sadness, anger, fear, frustration, and the like, I’ve realized: Radical acceptance of the awkward stuff, not avoidance, is the path to...

The Power of the Stories in Our Heads

The Power of the Stories in Our Heads

Have you ever seen a message notification in passing, and created a whole storyline around it before actually reading it ... only to have none of what you imagined probable/possible turn out to be true? I got a FB message from a pastor friend...

Healing Waters and Beautiful Bodies

Healing Waters and Beautiful Bodies

Isn’t there something healing about water and the way it flows, moves, and sounds? These waters of Cascade Springs, Georgia was a place of healing for soldiers during the Civil War. Our bodies are made primarily of living water, meaning the healing magic of...

Growing Our Love

Growing Our Love

Ukraine. Putin. Trump. Biden. Vac. Anti-vac. The ways we divide and polarize go on and on. What are we to do? Doesn’t it almost feel like getting past our political, national, racial, and religious tribalism is the only way we’re going to survive and thrive? For...