Who are YOU? How Finding Our Identity in Christ Saves Us

Who are YOU? How Finding Our Identity in Christ Saves Us

Have you ever wanted to die?  I distinctly remember sitting on a plane preparing for landing, when it hit a patch of turbulence that jerked us so violently it seemed we would crash.  As the other passengers’ faces turned to horror with loud gasps and cries, all...
Want to Live/Love Better? Expect Less

Want to Live/Love Better? Expect Less

I recently spent more than a day crafting and preparing a workshop on the yogic way of life, which has given me SO MUCH joy and peace (and, as a side note is SUPER Christ-like) … YET, no one came to the workshop.  On a similar note, years ago I had the opportunity to...
The Secret to a Wonderful Life: Lose Your Life to Gain It

The Secret to a Wonderful Life: Lose Your Life to Gain It

Failure can become our most powerful path to learning if we’re willing to choose courage over comfort. – Brené Brown   What’s the point of life? What makes for a great life? WHO are YOU when all is said and done, at the center of your being? Today it seems...