Love in 24 Words – Part 1

Love in 24 Words – Part 1

Hi Amazing! If Love is the point of life, I Love my wife, I love wine, I love peanut butter cereal, I Love my daughter, I love yoga, God is Love, I Love God, and I love Star Wars … what exactly is Love? At least the “Love” that matters most?  I...

Meditation on the Lovingkindness Revolution!

I had big plans for this year!  Exciting things that have been brewing for a while, like getting my book about my accident and the life-giving centrality of Love when it comes to life, relationships, and God published, as well as becoming a life coach.  6 months in,...

The Beloved One (A Poem to You)

The Beloved One sees you fully, loving every bit of your being. The Blissful One adores you always, regarding you with infinite fondness. The Blessed One delights deeply, in YOU, living your daily, “mundane” life. The Beautiful One celebrates you...
Love in 24 Words – Part 1

Mother Jesus: A Call for Healing Over Hurting

I’m retired from the Air Force and have a M.A. in Ancient History.  I share this because I used to think violence, power, conquest, etc. in the name of freedom and liberty was a good thing.  I believed the usual forms of strength and ferocity would solve the problem...