A Life Changing Lesson from Adam & Eve You’ve Probably Never Heard

A Life Changing Lesson from Adam & Eve You’ve Probably Never Heard

Cheers to you! Have you ever seen something/someone in a new way so powerful it was a revelation?  That happened with me recently with the story of Adam and Eve.  You see, I REALLY like being “right”.  If knowledge is power, I’m great at using it for my benefit.  When...

The Rain’s Secret (A Poem)

“The rain told me a secret this morning,” “It wants to let you in on it too,” she shared. So, outside I sat, quieted, receptive, and slowed, Listening to the murmurs of small splashes.   As I settled, the waterfall of noise resolved, Into...
A Life Changing Lesson from Adam & Eve You’ve Probably Never Heard

Enlightenment is the Journey from My & Mine to Our & Ours

Cheers Beloved! I wonder if the terrible twos are because that’s when kids start thinking and acting in terms of “my” and “mine”?  What’s more, I’d ask if as a society we live stuck in our terrible twos?  Seriously!  The more...

A Few Reminders to Brighten Your Day

No matter what faces you, YOU are enough! Regardless what the mirror says, You ARE beautiful! Amidst whatever feels fractured or incomplete, You are WHOLE! Whenever you feel or are rejected, You belong, just AS you are! Did you make a mistake or mess up? It’s...
A Life Changing Lesson from Adam & Eve You’ve Probably Never Heard

Unity, Understanding, and Supporting Trump Supporters

If I’m completely honest, part of me doesn’t understand how anyone can support Trump, and I’m sure others would say the same about Obama or Clinton backers.  The thing is, though, the more I go with society’s flow by calling “them” shameful names, excluding those...