Let Your Breath Catch You

In the face of discomfort, stress, disagreement, frustration, and such, one simple thing typically determines whether I say something stupid, hurtful, or defensive, versus loving, caring, and understanding. Breath. Pausing. Slowing. Then, feeling and enjoying a...
Welcoming and Listening to Sadness

Welcoming and Listening to Sadness

Welcome sadness, it will bless you. In the midst of a recent spin class on our Peloton, I broke down in tears. The instructor, Kendall Toole, invited us to welcome grief in, so I did. Soon enough, my waterworks began mixing with my sweat to form a healing...

Love is a Gateway Drug

Do you ever struggle with doing something you know you should, and even want to do? That was me when it came to being kind and compassionate, and caring well for others, until about 15 years ago. What changed me? Like drill sergeants of kindness, the people of Valley...
The Little BIG Things Love Does

The Little BIG Things Love Does

My friend Scott inspires me! While visiting said bestie in Colorado, as we were going into his house for the night, I saw Scott look back and linger to watch the garage door finish closing. Why? To make sure everything was safe and secure for his...

Mental Space Makes Room for Grace

Sometimes I’ll half-jokingly, with a straight face say, “I am Ironman.” Partly because after my nearly fatal hiking accident in 2008, the doctors had to use metal bits to put my head back together, and also because I’m a bit of a geek. 🙂...