The Value of Long OBEDIENCE in the Same Direction

In my journey to Love others, creation, myself, and the Source of this all well, I feel like the area I struggle with most is finding a good balance when it comes to Loving myself and others … especially as my wife and I navigate life together.  If our...

How to Defeat a Feeling of Failure and Funkiness

What do you do when you feel defeated or deflated?  While the positivity I generally radiate is 100% authentic, I occasionally wonder/think: “Why do I even bother?  Why do I spend hours writing posts and blogs to encourage and increase Love when it seems like...

Finding Santosha (WOWness) in All Situations

One of the benefits of having a bit of OCD is my daily workouts aren’t options, they’re what I do.  A downfall of this mentality, though, is it can sometimes get in the way of important stuff, like, you know, connecting with people!  Ridiculous as it may...