Sometimes I get tired of myself, do you know what I mean?  Can you relate?  I regularly spend a good chunk of time crafting words to inspire/encourage people, and to get a good yoga pic to put with them on Facebook and Instagram … only some days barely anyone or nobody “likes” my efforts to make the world a brighter place.  To make matters worse, I have a tendency to pressure myself to come up with “brilliant” ideas and great pics, and then beat myself up if it doesn’t get the response from others I’m looking for and expecting.  I share this because desiring and striving to be special are certain thieves of our joy.  When we live in that space it wears us out, which is why I occasionally grow weary of “me”.

Even though culture tells us to compete and compare, we can choose a different, less soul killing and more joyous mentality.  In the spirit of Christmas, what if we all became like Santa Claus … minus the naughty and nice list?  You know how Santa gives OODLES of gifts and sees ZERO responses from the kids, yet is perpetually jolly?  I have a hunch it’s because the joy is in the giving.  The bliss is in the creation.  Deep, inner satisfaction comes from spreading love and good cheer anywhere and everywhere without expectation.

Whether it’s at work, in relationships, on social media, or wherever, let’s enliven and encourage ourselves, and one another, and practice seeking less to be special.  Instead, let’s celebrate what we do, how we share, and who we are; every effort wonderful and each person glorious, period!


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Grace and peace,
